In terms of health hazards, it is necessary to measure air quality in the immediate vicinity. The perfect-Air sensors are perfect for this. A network of technically advanced sensors will be deployed throughout the country to measure PM2.5 and PM10 dust emissions and also provide information on basic air parameters such as temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure.
Solid particles or particulate matter (PM) are small solid particles dispersed in air that are so small that they can be entrained by air. Increased concentration can cause serious health problems. They also participate in important atmospheric events such as the occurrence of water precipitation and influence the temperature balance of Earth.
In most cases, the term solid particles is also synonymous with air dust.
From the point of view of health effects, different fractions of dust particles were defined depending on their size in micrometers.
PM10 - particles less than 10 μm,
PM2.5 - Particles less than 2.5 μm (not overall)
PM1 - particles less than 1 μm (less frequent)
PM0.1 - particles less than 100 nm (exceptional).
Observation has shown that the influence of solid dust particles on health depends primarily on their size. Larger particles are trapped in nasal hair and do not cause serious problems. Particles less than 10 μm penetrate through the larynx into the lower respiratory tract.
Here they can settle in the bronchi (PM2.5 - "fine particles"), penetrate into pulmonary cells (PM1) or to the bloodstream (nanoparticles) and cause health problems.